Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Favorite Anime

Because I love revealing my tastes ( as well as others) here's my favorite Japanese cartoons:

*Neon Genesis Evangelion (Includes End of Evangelion and the Rebuild movies)

*Cowboy Bebop

*Legend of the Galactic Heroes

*Revolutionary Girl Utena

*Urusei Yatsura

*Rose of Versailles

*Galaxy Express 999

*Haibane Renmei

*Serial Experiments: Lain



*Some of Miyazaki's stuff, most of Oshii's and Kon's work.

I think that's most of my favorites. I would include Dragon Ball but that's really just nostalgia talking.

What's your favorites? I'd be curious to hear.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Opening A Day 02

Manliest opening ever... until you find out the actual lyrics. (Hint: It's actually a love song.)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Birthday 山寺宏一! (Koichi Yamadera!) 

Happy 50th Bithday to my second favorite male seiyuu, Koichi Yamadera. Your awesome man!

Toshio Furukawa coming to Anime Expo! or "Damn it!"

...Was my reaction to this news. Furukawa's my favorite male seiyuu (Even topping the great Koichi Yamadera IMO.) Piccolo in Dragon Ball, Asuma Shinohara in Patlabor, Oliver Popplin in Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and my absolute favorite - Ataru Moroboshi from Urusei Yatsura. I wish I was going to AX. I would sure love to meet him. :(

Opening A Day 01

Idea borrowed from Anime Nations. I'll post an opening to something I like on a daily basis.
Let's start this off with a "Bang", shall we?

Ikukara's new anime - Mawaru Penguindrum

After more then a decade since his last "true" project, the amazing 'Revolutionary Girl Utena', Kuniko Ikuhara is back! It's got penguins! What more can I say at this moment? I'm normally not into cute brigade, but this looks to be promising. (That or I'm just in denial for hope that lightning WILL indeed strike twice.) I hope this gets license by FUNimation or somone (Let's not have another Denno Coli situation please.)